PULP Holyoke, Locals 1
to Jan 12

PULP Holyoke, Locals 1

Super grateful to share fabulous PULP gallery space with 15 amazing western Massachusetts artists. Work is available cash and carry for holiday treats all around❤️💚❤️💚 Pulp’s super curator and impeccable installer, Dean Brown brought together 15 yummy artists from the area: Binda Colebrook, Kelly Popoff, Hannah Brookman, Larry Daniels, Maricela Garcia, Sean Greene, Joanne Holtje, Amy Johnquest, Tekla McInerney, David Moriarty, Kim Reinhardt, Sean Sawicki, Cara Taylor, Angela Zammarelli, and Andrew Zarou.  

Check it out. There’s a bit of everything:  Painting, Ceramics, Printmaking, Mixed Media…

Pulp holiday extended hours and will be open through Monday, Dec. 23rd from 11-4pm.  

Or shop on line:


Support your local community growers, creators and makers where and when you can.

Wishing y’all a Merry & Happy Everything!!! And fer cripes sake, peace on earth and goodwill to us all! ❤️💚❤️

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to Nov 5


  • New England Visionary Artists Museum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Wild Yonder is an immersive installation of super static paper airplanes; An exercise in releasing my art history to the ethers; Making art out of art. Letting go is both painful and transformative. In creating through struggle we can give birth to beauty. This is important. Each airplane was once a painting or drawing that I saved because it contained some strong connection or sentiment that is/was important to me over my 65 years. Each airplane is transforming and launching itself into the unknown. They fly like lead balloons. They continue their journey to elsewhere.

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Side Effects
to Jun 29

Side Effects

Reception Date: Friday, June 14, 5-8pm
Location: NEVAmuseum, Galleries 1, 2, and 3
Hours: Wed & Thu 2-6pm, Fri & Sat 12-8pm
Address: 518 Pleasant Street, Ground Floor
City/Town: Northampton
Website: neva-museum.org

11 visual artists have something to say about what happens when our bodies fail us or don't meet a norm of perfection due to illness, disability, accidents, addiction, trauma at any age. Or when society still dictates what a "good" body looks like. Including Lyn Horan, Alvilda Sophia Anaya-Alegria, Kristen Bachler, Olivia Bernard, Bruce, Fowler, Izim Prizm, Amy Johnquest, Rob Kimmel, Harlan Mack, Maggie Nowinski, Paul Seidell.

Contact: 413-588-4337

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to Mar 20

PULP Exhibition & Reception

Reception March 26, 12 - 4 …

After-party next-door at Gateway City, Divine Theatre 4pm - ?

No.27 with selections from Stacy Waldman’s vintage photography collection, @houseofmirthphotos , and work by artist Amy Johnquest, @bannerqueen .

The show will run from March 12th to April 3rd.

Stacy Waldman/House of Mirth Photos, is a dealer and collector of vintage and found vernacular photography. She specializes in 20th century photo albums, snapshots and ephemera. Photos that she has found have been included in numerous exhibitions and publications throughout the world, including the popular book “Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children.” She can be found at photography, ephemera and book shows throughout the country and abroad, and at her showroom, Spot 142 in Easthampton, MA, open by appointment. You can also find her at www.houseofmirthphotos.com, on eBay as HouseofMirth, and on Instagram and Facebook as Houseofmirthphotos.
A resident of the Pioneer Valley since 1992, Amy “BannerQueen” Johnquest is a mixed media artist currently residing in Holyoke. Preferring to work low tech and hand wrought, Johnquest creates in a wide variety of disciplines including installations, murals, and set designs. By using found objects, vintage photos, and textiles as her base, Johnquest (AKA the BannerQueen) alters and paints over these materials creating transcendent atmospheres. Ranging from the sublime to cosmic jokes, Johnquest likes to consider the big picture (life and death) in a reverent yet playful way. Johnquest obtained the moniker of BannerQueen in 1999 when she began painting sideshow banner themed art with a pop culture twist. Her work has been widely collected and shown. Much of her art continues to evoke a carnivalesque feel and it often advertises things that are not for sale or perhaps may not even exist.

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Birth Wheel
to Jan 22

Birth Wheel

A little interactive installation …

Reception Friday, December 10th, 6 - 8 pm 

(with Covid safety protocols in place)

On view Dec. 7 through the 31st

Anchor House of Artists, 518 Pleasant St., Northampton, MA 01060

Phone: 413-588-4337


Artist’s Statement

We are stardust. All composed of the same building blocks of matter, yet our destiny as a human being begins with the random luck of a parental draw. Each of us are a one of a kind prize from the genetic lottery. We begin utterly innocent. A baby with no control over their environment. 

When you step into the “Birth Wheel” installation, and take a turn on the big hand painted wheel of fortune, you get to see what birth parent(s) you could wind up with. This is briefly described through nationality / economic / religious / political and/or lifestyle circumstances. For example; spin the wheel and you are born to an old money conservative oil tycoon father and school teach- er mother in Texas, USA; another spin and you are born to Somali refugees living in temporary shelter in Mogadishu with severely limited food, water, or basic needs of any kind; the next spin has you born to biracial parents employed as Jamaica. 

On the walls surrounding the wheel altered vintage photographs of babies are painted in bright colors. By removing their natural flesh tones and making them into rainbow babies they become united, universal, and fantastic. They are no longer subjected to traditional perceptions of skin tones. The original photos (found by chance and destined for the trash bin) have been revitalized and born anew. 

The intention behind the Birth Wheel is encourage you to consider the randomness of your birth and to what (so called) advantages or disadvantages you and everyone else had to start out. Not by choice, but rather a random joining of a persistent sperm and a viable egg creating a unique genetic concoction that, in baby form, innocently enters into an utterly new world. With that acute understanding, compassion for every being is possible. 

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Group Show; A Horse Walks Into a Bar
to Apr 12

Group Show; A Horse Walks Into a Bar

  • Google Calendar ICS

A Horse Walks Into A Bar
Curated by
D. Dominick Lombardi

March 7 - April 12, 2020
Opening Reception Saturday, March 7 from 3 p.m.- 5 p.m.

Hampden Gallery

Hours: Tuesday through Friday: 1 PM to 6 PM, Sunday 2 PM – 5 PM

(Closed Friday, March 13 - Monday, March 23 for Spring Break)

University of Massachusetts, Hampden Gallery, 131 Southwest Circle, Amherst, MA 01003

A Horse Walks Into A Bar 
D. Dominick Lombardi, Curator

Humor is not the first thing you think of when researching or discussing Contemporary or Modern Art, but it does have a far more significant place than one might presume. R. Crumb, Peter Saul and Erwin Wurm to name just three, cannot be completely understood without considering their ability to make us smile or laugh. Even the late Picasso paintings and prints had as much humor as they did restlessness, angst or sexual tension in his continued quest for the extreme. A Horse Walked Into a Bar is a survey of some of today’s artists who continue to push the boundaries of fine art toward wit and whimsy.

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Spot 142 Grand Opening
12:30 AM00:30

Spot 142 Grand Opening

Announcing Spot 142 at 116 Pleasant St., Easthampton, MA (glamorously located across from the RMV on the main floor in Eastworks ) - a unique shared showroom and studio space merging @BannerQueen AKA Amy Johnquest with vintage photo dealer Stacy Waldman of @houseofmirthphotos

The two respective businesses sharing the storefront “Spot 142” will be hosting a public grand opening on Saturday February 15th from 1:00 - 5:00pm.

Having outgrown their previous location “Spot 22,” located at 22 Cottage St., the decision to move to the more expansive Suite 142 in Eastworks was made. In the new location they will have space to offer collage and other workshops; more room to create and collect; as well as an increased showroom area.
New hours will be: Tues., Wed., Thurs. 10am - 2pm or by appointment. 🤫🤫🤫🤫Pssssst - Private party for friends, family and Fans on Feb 15 from 7pm - ?

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Spot 22 Celebrating 3!!!
5:00 PM17:00

Spot 22 Celebrating 3!!!

Ready or not, it’s been 3 Years!

Our storefront studio, Spot 22 is having a party to celebrate!

Saturday Aug. 10, 2019 during the Easthampton city-wide art walk from 5 - 8pm. 

Following with a private party for friends, fans and family from 8pm on. We will have wine, cake, and chips, BYO optional. 

Spot 22 is the lovely merging of House of Mirth - Stacy Waldman’s vintage photography shop with the art and design of Amy "BannerQueen" Johnquest. We are two separate businesses with our studios in one fabulous storefront. We are often here working, but are rarely “open.” So drop by this Saturday and say hi while we have the door swingin wide. xo

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5:00 PM17:00


See human and other oddities… Unusual attire encouraged… and the saw lady is back!

The New England Visionary Artists Museum, a large funktastic exhibition space has been transformed with my art and installations. The REVIVAL PARTY is multimedia reception from 5 - 8:30 on Friday, July 12th, Also on view selected works by Anchor House Artists, plus Michael Tillyer & Mark Brown’s joint “SIDE SHOW.”

Exhibition runs through July 30th.


Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday
 from 1:00 p.m to 6:00 p.m. and by appointment

just a 1/2 mile north of Interstate 91 exit 18, next to the Shell Station
Ground Floor, 518 Pleasant Street
Northampton MA 01060-3997 U.S.A.
Telephone: (413) 588-4337

From the PR:

Past Presents

June 7 through July 30: Amy Johnquest AKA BannerQueen packs three galleries with new and revisited (shape shifting) installations and mixed media art works. The moniker BannerQueen came out of an artistic bent towards traditional carnival advertising and sideshows, but Johnquest’s art wanders about in many other curious territories that wryly and seriously speak to both the cosmos and the human condition. 

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PULP - 9 x 9
to Jul 7

PULP - 9 x 9

From the Pulp website:

we are excited to have a diverse group of artists for our summer exhibition, nine by nine. 9 artists - each exhibiting 9 works of art. artists include fern apfel, jon goodman, sean greene, amy johnquest, carol keller, dean nimmer, christy&roger patrick, kamil peters and jen simms.



413 362 6368

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Past Presents
to Jun 14

Past Presents

  • New England Visionary Artists Museum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

2 Unique Reception Events:

Friday, June 14, 6-8pm

With a revisitation of the One Minute Film Festival and more!

Friday, July 12 6-8pm

The New England Visionary Artists Museum, a large funktastic exhibition space, will be transformed with my art and installations. There will also be works by Anchor House of Artists and in the back gallery Michael Tillyer and Mark will have a little visual carnival as well.

Hang on to your hats! http://www.neva-museum.org

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2019 NYC Vintage Photo Fair
9:30 AM09:30

2019 NYC Vintage Photo Fair

Catch me here wangling my altered cabinet card art while I dig this underground tunnel from Easthampton, MA to NYC

From the website:

NYC Vintage Photo Fair

Friday April 5th, 2019

Hours: 9:30am – 5:00 pm
Early Bird Entry 8:00 am

Admission $7  Early Bird Admission $20

The Watson Hotel
440 W. 57th St.
New York, NY 10019

Presenting Daguerreotypes, snapshots, tintypes, ambrotypes and fine 19th through 21st century photographs.

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One Size Fits All
to Dec 30

One Size Fits All

Reception date:

Saturday, December 1st from 3-5



By using found objects, vintage photos, and textiles as her base, artist Amy Johnquest (AKA the BannerQueen) alters and paints over these materials creating transcendent atmospheres. Ranging from the sublime to cosmic jokes, Johnquest likes to consider the big picture (life and death) in a reverent yet playful way. Johnquest obtained the moniker of BannerQueen in 1999 when she began painting sideshow banner themed art with a pop culture twist. Much of her work continues to evoke a carnivalesque feel and it often advertises things that are not for sale or perhaps may not even exist. 
During this exhibition signed copies of her book “Altered Ancestors” along with some of the original art featured in the book will be available and on view as well

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2 Bodacious Book Launches at Spot 22
5:00 PM17:00

2 Bodacious Book Launches at Spot 22

Spot 22 Press is pleased to announce two book launches under one roof! 

During Easthampton’s Book Fair and Art Walk we will be featuring brand new publications by artist Amy Johnquest and photo collector Stacy Waldman. “Dick,” photos of people places and things named Dick from the collection of Stacy Waldman and “Altered Ancestors” which features Amy Johnquest’s hand painted Victorian cabinet cards. Along with the book signing there will also be an exhibition with original “DIck” photos and “Altered Ancestors” paintings on display in the Spot 22 Gallery. Open from 5 - 8 pm, Saturday April 14th at Spot 22, 22 Cottage St., Easthampton, MA

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GCTV video interview about the installation “Shadow of the Dam” GCTV 2016
1:30 PM13:30

GCTV video interview about the installation “Shadow of the Dam” GCTV 2016

Full Disclosure Festival 2016 --- In The Shadow Of The Dam

After a "blind date" with historian Betty Sharpe, Banner Queen Amy Johnquest created an art installation entitled, "In The Shadow of the Dam, The Aftermath of the Mill River Flood of 1874".  To watch the conversation that inspired her work, click on the "Blind Date 6" link below the video or the link below.

Recorded March 29, 2016

This is the initial meeting between Banner Queen Amy Johnquest and historian Betty Sharpe.

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